The bronchiectasis microbiome: current understanding and treatment implications
The bronchiectasis microbiome: current understanding and treatment implications
Advances in DNA sequencing and analysis of the respiratory microbiome highlight its close association with bronchiectasis phenotypes, revealing fresh opportunities for diagnosis, stratification, and personalized clinical intervention. An under-recognized condition, bronchiectasis is increasingly the subject of recent large-scale, multicentre, and longitudinal clinical studies including detailed analysis of the microbiome. In this review, we summarize recent progress in our understanding of the bronchiectasis microbiome within the context of its potential use in treatment decisions.
Residential exposure to spp is associated with exacerbations in COPD
Residential exposure to spp is associated with exacerbations in COPD
Sensitisation to is linked to worse outcomes in patients with COPD; however, its prevalence and clinical implications in domestic (residential) settings remains unknown.
Accelerated Lung Function Decline and Mucus-Microbe Evolution in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Accelerated Lung Function Decline and Mucus-Microbe Evolution in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Progressive lung function loss is recognized in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); however, no study concurrently evaluates how accelerated lung function decline relates to mucus properties and the microbiome in COPD. Longitudinal assessment of mucus and microbiome changes accompanying accelerated lung function decline in patients COPD. This was a prospective, longitudinal assessment of the London COPD cohort exhibiting the greatest FEV decline ( = 30; accelerated decline; 156 ml/yr FEV loss) and with no FEV decline ( = 28; nondecline; 49 ml/yr FEV gain) over time. Lung microbiomes from paired sputum (total 116 specimens) were assessed by shotgun metagenomics and corresponding mucus profiles evaluated for biochemical and biophysical properties. Biochemical and biophysical mucus properties are significantly altered in the accelerated decline group. Unsupervised principal component analysis showed clear separation, with mucus biochemistry associated with accelerated decline, whereas biophysical mucus characteristics contributed to interindividual variability. When mucus and microbes are considered together, an accelerated decline mucus-microbiome association emerges, characterized by increased mucin (MUC5AC [mucin 5AC] and MUC5B [mucin 5B]) concentration and the presence of and . As COPD progresses, mucus-microbiome shifts occur, initially characterized by low mucin concentration and transition from viscous to elastic dominance accompanied by the commensals , , , and (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease [GOLD] A and B) before transition to increased mucus viscosity, mucins, and DNA concentration together with the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms including , , and (GOLD E). Mucus-microbiome associations evolve over time with accelerated lung function decline, symptom progression, and exacerbations affording fresh therapeutic opportunities for early intervention.
Airway "Resistotypes" and Clinical Outcomes in Bronchiectasis
Airway "Resistotypes" and Clinical Outcomes in Bronchiectasis
Chronic infection and inflammation shapes the airway microbiome in bronchiectasis. Utilizing whole-genome shotgun metagenomics to analyze the airway resistome provides insight into interplay between microbes, resistance genes, and clinical outcomes. To apply whole-genome shotgun metagenomics to the airway microbiome in bronchiectasis to highlight a diverse pool of antimicrobial resistance genes: the "resistome," the clinical significance of which remains unclear. Individuals with bronchiectasis were prospectively recruited into cross-sectional and longitudinal cohorts ( = 280), including the international multicenter cross-sectional Cohort of Asian and Matched European Bronchiectasis 2 (CAMEB 2) study ( = 251) and two independent cohorts, one describing patients experiencing acute exacerbation and a further cohort of patients undergoing eradication treatment. Sputum was subjected to metagenomic sequencing, and the bronchiectasis resistome was evaluated in association with clinical outcomes and underlying host microbiomes. The bronchiectasis resistome features a unique resistance gene profile and increased counts of aminoglycoside, bicyclomycin, phenicol, triclosan, and multidrug resistance genes. Longitudinally, it exhibits within-patient stability over time and during exacerbations despite between-patient heterogeneity. Proportional differences in baseline resistome profiles, including increased macrolide and multidrug resistance genes, associate with shorter intervals to the next exacerbation, whereas distinct resistome archetypes associate with frequent exacerbations, poorer lung function, geographic origin, and the host microbiome. Unsupervised analysis of resistome profiles identified two clinically relevant "resistotypes," RT1 and RT2, the latter characterized by poor clinical outcomes, increased multidrug resistance, and Successful targeted eradication in -colonized individuals mediated reversion from RT2 to RT1, a more clinically favorable resistome profile demonstrating reduced resistance gene diversity. The bronchiectasis resistome associates with clinical outcomes, geographic origin, and the underlying host microbiome. Bronchiectasis resistotypes link to clinical disease and are modifiable through targeted antimicrobial therapy.
Unsung Heroes? Decoding the Protective Effects of Airway Microbiota in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Unsung Heroes? Decoding the Protective Effects of Airway Microbiota in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Effects of intermittent fasting on periodontal inflammation and subgingival microbiota
Effects of intermittent fasting on periodontal inflammation and subgingival microbiota
Studies on the impact of intermittent fasting on periodontal health are still scarce. Thus, this study evaluated the effects of long-term intermittent fasting on periodontal health and the subgingival microbiota.
Infection and the microbiome in bronchiectasis
Infection and the microbiome in bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis is marked by bronchial dilatation, recurrent infections and significant morbidity, underpinned by a complex interplay between microbial dysbiosis and immune dysregulation. The identification of distinct endophenotypes have refined our understanding of its pathogenesis, including its heterogeneous disease mechanisms that influence treatment and prognosis responses. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionised the way we view airway microbiology, allowing insights into the "unculturable". Understanding the bronchiectasis microbiome through targeted amplicon sequencing and/or shotgun metagenomics has provided key information on the interplay of the microbiome and host immunity, a central feature of disease progression. The rapid increase in translational and clinical studies in bronchiectasis now provides scope for the application of precision medicine and a better understanding of the efficacy of interventions aimed at restoring microbial balance and/or modulating immune responses. Holistic integration of these insights is driving an evolving paradigm shift in our understanding of bronchiectasis, which includes the critical role of the microbiome and its unique interplay with clinical, inflammatory, immunological and metabolic factors. Here, we review the current state of infection and the microbiome in bronchiectasis and provide views on the future directions in this field.
Exacerbations of bronchiectasis
Exacerbations of bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis presents a significant challenge due to its rising prevalence, associated economic burden and clinical heterogeneity. This review synthesises contemporary understanding and literature of bronchiectasis exacerbations, addressing the transition from stable state to exacerbations, underlining the importance of early and precise recognition, rigorous severity assessment, prompt treatment, and prevention measures, as well as emphasising the need for strategies to assess and improve early and long-term patient outcomes. The review highlights the interplay between stable state phases and exacerbations in bronchiectasis, introducing the concept of "exogenous and endogenous changes in airways homeostasis" and the "adapted island model" with a particular focus on "frequent exacerbators", a group of patients associated with specific clinical characteristics and worse outcomes. The pathophysiology of exacerbations is explored through the lens of microbial and nonmicrobial triggers and the presence and the activity of comorbidities, elaborating on the impact of both exogenous insults, such as infections and pollution, and endogenous factors such as inflammatory endotypes. Finally, the review proposes a multidisciplinary approach to care, integrating advancements in precision medicine and biomarker research, paving the way for tailored treatments that challenge the traditional antibiotic paradigm.
Reply to Ward
Microbial Dysregulation of the Gut-Lung Axis in Bronchiectasis
Microbial Dysregulation of the Gut-Lung Axis in Bronchiectasis
Emerging data support the existence of a microbial "gut-lung" axis that remains unexplored in bronchiectasis. Prospective and concurrent sampling of gut (stool) and lung (sputum) was performed in a cohort of = 57 individuals with bronchiectasis and subjected to bacteriome (16S rRNA) and mycobiome (18S Internal Transcribed Spacer) sequencing (total, 228 microbiomes). Shotgun metagenomics was performed in a subset ( = 15; 30 microbiomes). Data from gut and lung compartments were integrated by weighted similarity network fusion, clustered, and subjected to co-occurrence analysis to evaluate gut-lung networks. Murine experiments were undertaken to validate specific driven gut-lung interactions. Microbial communities in stable bronchiectasis demonstrate a significant gut-lung interaction. Multibiome integration followed by unsupervised clustering reveals two patient clusters, differing by gut-lung interactions and with contrasting clinical phenotypes. A high gut-lung interaction cluster, characterized by lung , gut , and gut , is associated with increased exacerbations and greater radiological and overall bronchiectasis severity, whereas the low gut-lung interaction cluster demonstrates an overrepresentation of lung commensals, including , , and with gut . The lung gut relationship, observed in the high gut-lung interaction bronchiectasis cluster, was validated in a murine model of lung infection. This interaction was abrogated after antibiotic (imipenem) pretreatment in mice confirming the relevance and therapeutic potential of targeting the gut microbiome to influence the gut-lung axis. Metagenomics in a subset of individuals with bronchiectasis corroborated our findings from targeted analyses. A dysregulated gut-lung axis, driven by lung , associates with poorer clinical outcomes in bronchiectasis.
Neisseria species as pathobionts in bronchiectasis
Neisseria species as pathobionts in bronchiectasis
Neisseria species are frequently identified in the bronchiectasis microbiome, but they are regarded as respiratory commensals. Using a combination of human cohorts, next-generation sequencing, systems biology, and animal models, we show that bronchiectasis bacteriomes defined by the presence of Neisseria spp. associate with poor clinical outcomes, including exacerbations. Neisseria subflava cultivated from bronchiectasis patients promotes the loss of epithelial integrity and inflammation in primary epithelial cells. In vivo animal models of Neisseria subflava infection and metabolipidome analysis highlight immunoinflammatory functional gene clusters and provide evidence for pulmonary inflammation. The murine metabolipidomic data were validated with human Neisseria-dominant bronchiectasis samples and compared with disease in which Pseudomonas-, an established bronchiectasis pathogen, is dominant. Metagenomic surveillance of Neisseria across various respiratory disorders reveals broader importance, and the assessment of the home environment in bronchiectasis implies potential environmental sources of exposure. Thus, we identify Neisseria species as pathobionts in bronchiectasis, allowing for improved risk stratification in this high-risk group.
The current understanding and future directions for sputum microbiome profiling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The current understanding and future directions for sputum microbiome profiling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has deepened our understanding of the respiratory microbiome in health and disease. The number of microbiome studies employing sputum as an airway surrogate has continued to increase over the past decade to include multiple large multicentre and longitudinal studies of the microbiome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this review, we summarize the recent advances to our understanding of the bacteriome, virome and mycobiome in COPD.
Microbiology and the Microbiome in Bronchiectasis
Microbiology and the Microbiome in Bronchiectasis
The microbiology in bronchiectasis has been historically defined by culture-based analysis of the airway microbiome and to date has largely focused on the detection and eradication of specific bacterial pathogens. Although central to our current understanding of disease, microbial culture alone masks the holistic complexity of the microbiome and does not account for potential microbial interactions that define specific clinical phenotypes such as frequent exacerbators. Advances in next-generation sequencing including their analytical technologies can further complement and build upon our current understanding of the microbiology and microbiome in bronchiectasis providing improved patient stratification with prognostic significance.
High Frequency of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis in Bronchiectasis-COPD Overlap
High Frequency of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis in Bronchiectasis-COPD Overlap
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is associated with frequent exacerbations and poor outcomes in chronic respiratory disease, but remains underdiagnosed. The role of fungal sensitization in bronchiectasis-COPD overlap (BCO) is unknown.
The Airway Microbiome: Present and Future Applications
Human and Porcine Transmission of Clostridioides difficile Ribotype 078, Europe
Human and Porcine Transmission of Clostridioides difficile Ribotype 078, Europe
Genomic analysis of a diverse collection of Clostridioides difficile ribotype 078 isolates from Ireland and 9 countries in Europe provided evidence for complex regional and international patterns of dissemination that are not restricted to humans. These isolates are associated with C. difficile colonization and clinical illness in humans and pigs.
Aspergillus-Associated Endophenotypes in Bronchiectasis
Aspergillus-Associated Endophenotypes in Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis is a chronic condition of global relevance resulting in permanent and irreversible structural airway damage. Bacterial infection in bronchiectasis is well studied; however, recent molecular studies identify fungi as important pathogens, either independently or in association with bacteria. species are established fungal pathogens in cystic fibrosis and their role is now increasingly being recognized in noncystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. While the healthy airway is constantly exposed to ubiquitously present conidia in the environment, anatomically damaged airways appear more prone to colonization and subsequent infection by this fungal group. possess diverse immunopathological mechanistic capabilities and when coupled with innate immune defects in a susceptible host, such as that observed in bronchiectasis, it may promote a range of clinical manifestations including sensitization, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, bronchitis, and/or invasive aspergillosis. How such clinical states influence "endophenotypes" in bronchiectasis is therefore of importance, as each associated disease state has overlapping features with bronchiectasis itself, and can evolve, depending on underlying host immunity from one type into another. Concurrent infection complicates the clinical course and exacerbations in bronchiectasis and therefore dedicated research to better understand the -host interaction in the bronchiectasis airway is now warranted.
Mathematical-based microbiome analytics for clinical translation
Mathematical-based microbiome analytics for clinical translation
Traditionally, human microbiology has been strongly built on the laboratory focused culture of microbes isolated from human specimens in patients with acute or chronic infection. These approaches primarily view human disease through the lens of a single species and its relevant clinical setting however such approaches fail to account for the surrounding environment and wide microbial diversity that exists Given the emergence of next generation sequencing technologies and advancing bioinformatic pipelines, researchers now have unprecedented capabilities to characterise the human microbiome in terms of its taxonomy, function, antibiotic resistance and even bacteriophages. Despite this, an analysis of microbial communities has largely been restricted to ordination, ecological measures, and discriminant taxa analysis. This is predominantly due to a lack of suitable computational tools to facilitate microbiome analytics. In this review, we first evaluate the key concerns related to the inherent structure of microbiome datasets which include its compositionality and batch effects. We describe the available and emerging analytical techniques including integrative analysis, machine learning, microbial association networks, topological data analysis (TDA) and mathematical modelling. We also present how these methods may translate to clinical settings including tools for implementation. Mathematical based analytics for microbiome analysis represents a promising avenue for clinical translation across a range of acute and chronic disease states.
Phase II Feasibility Study of the Efficacy, Tolerability, and Impact on the Gut Microbiome of a Low-Residue (Fiber) Diet in Adult Patients With Mitochondrial Disease
Phase II Feasibility Study of the Efficacy, Tolerability, and Impact on the Gut Microbiome of a Low-Residue (Fiber) Diet in Adult Patients With Mitochondrial Disease
Gastrointestinal (GI) dysmotility is a common and debilitating clinical manifestation in patients with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-related disease with no curative and few effective symptomatic therapies. A low-residue diet (LRD) has been shown to be effective at reducing bowel urgency, pain, and distension in functional GI-related conditions. We assessed tolerability and effects of an LRD on bowel habits in patients with mtDNA-related disease.
Targeting respiratory microbiomes in COPD and bronchiectasis
Targeting respiratory microbiomes in COPD and bronchiectasis
This review summarizes our current understanding of the respiratory microbiome in COPD and Bronchiectasis. We explore the interplay between microbial communities, host immune responses, disease pathology, and treatment outcomes.